
  • The 1923 Chinese Exclusion Act is our collective story. And this is a true, community exhibition and archive: only possible because of the participation of the Chinese Canadian community.

Help us to create a magnificent exhibition in 2023 in honour of our ancestors. 

Your donation is tax-deductible and will be recognized with a charitable tax receipt. All donations are processed through our charitable partner, The Chinese Canadian Military Museum Society (Charitable No. 875034225RR0001). 


    • Consider a donation of $100 to mark the 100th anniversary.
    • Or contribute $500 in honour of those who paid the full Head Tax rate. 
    • If you are interested in giving in a more significant way, please contact us at

How to donate online.

Click HERE to donate online.  Online donations are facilitated through Canada Helps. Upon making your donation, you will automatically receive a receipt to your email from Canada Helps for 100% of the value of your donation. We will receive the amount of your donation less a processing fee (3.5%-3.75%). For a breakdown of this fee, please visit Canada Helps.



Donate via cheque

How to donate by a cheque,

Make cheque PAYABLE to:  Chinese Canadian Military Museum Society*

Write in MEMO line: 1923 Project.

Chinese Canadian Military Museum
P.O. Box 47004, City Square P.O.
Vancouver, B.C.  V5Z 3X0

*Include your email and mailing address for the tax receipt.